If you find yourself dealing with a criminal charge in San Antonio, it is necessary to understand the difference between state and federal criminal charges. State agencies and federal agencies prosecute crimes in different court systems. Several circumstances determine whether a crime is at the state or federal level. The Law Office of Kerrisa Chelkowski can help people in San Antonio determine what constitutes a federal offense and help you navigate the complex criminal justice system.
Defining a Federal Offense
A federal offense, also known as a federal crime, is an act that violates U.S. federal laws. Federal crimes are enacted by Congress and defined by the federal code. Federal crimes apply in all states. Federal agencies, such as the FBI, DEA, or ATF, investigate the crimes. U.S. Attorneys prosecute federal crimes, and defendants should hire defense attorneys skilled in federal law. U.S. attorneys prosecute the crimes in federal courts.
Differences Between Federal and State Offenses
The key difference between federal and state offenses lies in the jurisdiction. State offenses involve violations of state laws enforced by state authorities. In contrast, federal offenses involve violations of federal laws which the federal government prosecutes. Federal crimes often involve the movement of goods, people, or money across state or international lines or interfering with large financial institutions.
Common Types of Federal Offenses
Federal offenses can range from white-collar crimes to violent crimes. Some of the most common federal offenses include:
- Drug Trafficking
- Bank Fraud and Embezzlement
- Mail and Wire Fraud
- Tax Evasion
- Immigration Violations
- Terrorism and National Security Crimes
- Cybercrimes
Criminal defendants should understand their charges and how they will affect their cases. If someone encounters the criminal justice system, they should immediately seek the help of an attorney.
How Federal Offenses Are Prosecuted
Clients in Texas should have skilled federal defense attorneys to guide them through the complicated process of federal criminal prosecution. Federal criminal prosecution has different steps than state prosecution, and navigating the system can be complicated.
Federal courts differ from state courts in terms of procedure, sentencing guidelines, and jurisdiction. Federal prosecution involves several states:
- Investigation – Federal agencies such as the FBI, DEA, or Homeland Security use extensive resources to conduct investigations and gather evidence.
- Grand Jury – A grand jury determines whether sufficient evidence exists to indict the suspect. It is a secretive process where the jurors—A grand jury convenes to determine whether sufficient evidence exists to indict the suspect. It is a secretive process in which the jurors see the relevant evidence.
- Arraignment and Plea – The defendant goes before a federal judge to plead guilty or not guilty. Skilled defense lawyers in San Antonio can negotiate plea deals with prosecutors.
- Trial – Federal trials follow the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure.
- Sentencing – If a defendant is convicted, sentencing in federal cases follows federal guidelines, which are usually harsher than state courts.
Penalties for Federal Offenses
Federal offenses frequently result in harsher sentences compared to equivalent state crimes. Federal sentencing guidelines specify minimum and maximum punishments for certain offenses. Drug trafficking crimes often have mandatory minimum penalties. The judge’s ability to reduce the punishment is limited. Long-term jail time and significant financial fines are possible outcomes of crimes like wire fraud and bank fraud.
Defending Against Federal Charges
Criminal defendants must hire attorneys skilled at practicing federal criminal law. The Law Office of Kerrisa Chelkowski has a proven track record of defending clients in federal court. Facing federal charges can be daunting, but skilled legal representation is critical to a strong defense. Strategies for defending against federal offenses include:
- Challenging Evidence
- Negotiating Plea Deals
- Fighting the Indictment
- Building a Strong Defense
Why You Need a Federal Defense Attorney
If you are facing federal charges in San Antonio, it is imperative to have an experienced federal defense attorney representing you. The Law Office of Kerrisa Chelkowski understands the nuances of federal law and has experience advocating for clients in court.
Federal crimes are serious and carry significant penalties. It is crucial to seek the expertise of a knowledgeable federal defense attorney who can effectively protect your rights and interests in the face of federal prosecution. Please contact our law office so we can assist you and protect your rights.